Saturday, May 30, 2009


Hey everyone! 

Im just writing now from the Dubai Airport. We had a 12 hours flight from JKF to Dubai and now we are waiting for our flight to Uganda. We flew on Emirates Airlines, which is very nice, I highly recommend it - everyone has a personal TV with 600 channels (I watched arabic pop songs and "Yes Man" in French with English subtitles).  The airport is like its own mall (must nicer than NorthPark), with spiral staircases, flashing billboards, and jewelry stores. Its so cool to see such a diversity of people around the airport and walk into Starbucks (yes they have Starbucks even in Dubai) and realized that the menu is in Arabic - not English!

 Look forward to pictures in the next few days! 

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Flight, Part 1

So its the morning of the trip (3 am) and Im finally done packing!

The plan is to fly to JFK this afternoon, take a plane from 11pm tonight, land in Dubai 8pm Saturday (with the time change), spend 12 hours in the DuBai airport, and then fly to Kenya and then arrive in Kampala, Uganda at 2pm on Sunday. 

It should be quite an adventure - 48+ hours of travel!  

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Hey guys! 

Its two days before I leave for Uganda for 9 weeks. I have a microfinance internship with Capitol Micro Credit in the city of Kampala.  

It seems like everything I own is anywhere but my suitcases (including bug spray made from 100% DEET, who knew they made that?) I dont think that its quite hit me that I will be living in Africa for over 2 months -- I'll keep you updated on my trip and upload photos when I get a chance!