Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So I think that pictures speak louder than words in this case, but Ill give you some background on these shots.

The first picture is definitely the best - I took this in the morning last week when we were bouncing around in a taxi headed to work. I love African sunrises.

This picture was taken from the fourth floor of the "Faculty of Economics" at Makerere Univeresity. The University reminds me a little of Stanford, with hills. There are beautiful palm trees and grass everywhere - occasionally you will see goats, chickens and huge birds walking around campus! The building in the picture is the library - the biggest on in East Africa!

Im not sure why I took this picture, there was something I found fascinating about the women from my taxi window. The scene is pretty typical: as you walk down the street there are men and women that set up mats with fruit, candy, blankets, pillows, cups, bread, pencils etc. -- almost anything you can think of is sold on the street. Some of my favorites that I've seen have been: shower caps, extension cords, and fried grasshoppers.

Ah, I love this one. This is a truck filled with plantains (they look like green bananas). Plantains are a staple food in Uganda and are used to make "matooke." -- with is kind of like mashed potatoes, but instead its mashed plantains. Its quite a process. You take a knife, peal the plantains, mash them up, heat them up, and then you end up with this steaming yellow starchy food. Its good if you eat it immediately and put some ground nuts sauce or beef broth on it.

This is the famous "boda boda" (great word to say five times fast). Essentially, its the Ugandan version of a motorcycle. They are known for being fast, overcharging foreigners, and being responsible for 66% of all emergency room accidents. (yes, thats all emergency room accidents, not just transportation accidents)

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